Survival, Tournament, League, and a The Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series, known in Japan as the Naruto: Narutimate Hero (NARUTO-ナルト- ナルティメットヒーロー, Naruto: Narutimetto Hīrō) series, is a series of 3-D fighting games developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Namco Bandai. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 is developed by CyberConnect2 Co. A treat for Naruto lovers, the game stays true to the original storyline and features many characters from the manga series. Players must choose the right companions to fight alongside and together unleash explosive Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (PS4) – play the anime. Open to explore, random events are the real adventure! 4. First nơi giao lưu giữa các con người yêu game. If this is your first time with the series, I would definitely recommend picking it up. At last, the line between Naruto Animation and Gaming will truly disappear. Impressively faithful to the universe of the anime, the game takes players through the Naruto Shippuden story arc with new battle systems enhancing the gameplay. com/post/ultimate-fight-survival-naruto-android 2. The classic storyline reappears, brilliant fighting combos, multiple gameplay, waiting for you to unlock! Game features: 1.